So Mango is doing a contest to see who wants to be like Mango.
I wanna be like Mango the deadline is Sept 25th and all you gots to do is say how you are like Mango.
You know that tool belt picture of Mango, yeah so he's got a thing for tools - thinks he's some kinds of Handydog. Well when I was a puppy I had an entire tool box.

Mango is big fan of the agilities and and finds the equipment a little small for him. Well, I tried my hand at flyball and the equipment was too small for me too.

Mango Meditates - Tucker Meditates

Mango goes to school, I went to school. I gots a certificate and everything to prove it.

Mango like to let it all hang out. I don't mind letting it all hang out myself. Including Nards.

Post Nards........

Mango is a messy eater and drools a lot. Now I'm a messy eater and I drool a little myself.

Mango's got a pool, I gots a pool. Err... Water dish.

Mango claims to be 230lbs - he seems pretty short in this picture with me, so I don't know his height. But I weigh only 140lbs.

Mango Loves car rides, I love car rides too!

Mango was named after somethin' - the Fruit. I was named after somethin' -

A Trashcan.

Mango's got an annoying Brudder, I gots an annoying Brudder.

Mango helps with the landscaping, I do too....

Um stairs, um NO.

And I'm also a snazzy dresser!
And of course I luvs cookies, but really - who doesn't?
Um I thinks I gots lots of "Mangoness" in me? In fact I thinks I am tantamount to Mango. BOL. there is my Mango big fancy shmancy word......
Whatcha got for Mangoness? Don't forgets to enter his contest!