Today Momma & Dad took me to my favorite off leash walking spot. Since my leg is feeling better they wanted me to start getting a little more exercise besides just my regular leash walking I get daily.
So off to my favorite walkie, only they let only go half as far as usual. :(
(Note from Tucker's Momma - Tucker's leg is still healing, it's his back left hamstring that he has pulled. He doesn't seem to be in pain anymore and he's not limping - but he is still stretching that leg straight back a lot. The vet suggested he hurt it my doing his defensive back and forth jumping playing with his Golden retriever friend. So we are letting him run a little but still limiting his play with other doggies.)
There was plenty to sniff and lotsa running to do. See what I would look like if I had cropped ears?

We came across some doggies to play with a little and some screaming kids to avoid. Halfway through the walk we came across 3 labradorks. Momma & Dad were talking to the labs mother and Momma was even giving them MY COOKIES! So in order to make sure focus never leaves me again - I ran through the mud when Momma & Dad weren't looking. BOL! (check out my left front leg - it's pawesomly muddy).

Since I ran through the Mud they let me wash my feet off in the pond. See my water movie, I'm pretty good as splashing with my big feet.
Just for fun here is a picture of me with my wet feet and the Tucker paw prints I left behind.

When we were leaving their were 2 horses! They were huge - I don't resemble them at all. (you may have to biggify the picture to see the horses)

After that we went to the sidewalk town for lunch and then we went to the puppy bakery - It was closed - I repeat IT WAS CLOSED! - They aren't open on Sunday's yet until the summer people come, how terrible is that. Anyway, we practiced walking on sidewalks, across streets, up and down big scary steps, meeting new people, and construction distractions. Whew, that's enough mental and physical labor for me for one day. I'm now going spend the rest of the day on the couch.