Saturday, January 14, 2012

Okays, first things first -I had a setback with my knee and I is back on medicine and crossing my paws very hard that my healing will get back on track.  We talked with Mr. Vet and he said he wasn't surprised that I "tweaked" my knee again because of my past history.  So what if ALL my health problems are labeled "self induced" on my record, whatever.  Momma's been a wreck abouts my potential surgery and the woman won't even let me go out into the FENCED backyard to do my business at 5:30 in the morning unless I'm on a leash.  She says she can't trust me not to try to do zoomies in the snow.  Crazy woman - who does zoomies at 5:30 in the morning?  6 maybe, but nots 5:30.

In better news remember my 12 Tucker days of Christmas?  Well,Wyatt suggested I enter PetSafe's 12 Days of Christmas contest and I was one of the winners!

We were surprised when a big package arrived this week!
 Look at all the loot!  I heated bed, that the kittehs are totally excited about (it says it's a small dog bed but they can't read and Vader is extra Fat fluffy anyway).  A drinkwell waterer that we will gives to cousin Bambi (since the kitteh's already have one of these great inventions), some toys for me and a t-shirt for the hoomans.
 Momma and Dad loves the shirt!
 I claimed the toy beaver immediately
 And these lickety sticks are great, it was my first time trying them.
 See how big my tongue is? Oh and there is a little drool.

And I gots this very awesome treat ball, here is video of me figuring out how to use it.  (Caution I make funny noises when I play wif something the first time).

Thank you very much PetSafe for your very generous prize package!  Thank you Wyatt for letting me know about the contest, and congrats for be a winner too!


  1. Tucker! You need to be careful. You don't want to have to do the surgery for sure. Ouch! Not to mention the block and tackle your mom would have to install to get you in and out of bed during your recovery.

    I hope you can find a water therapy place like I did. It has made me feel like a young doggie again.


  2. CONGRATULATIONS TUCKER!!! I was SURE you would be a WINNER fur your 12 days of Christmas!! It was a Wonderful Post!!!

    LICKETY STICK?????????? I have NEVER seen or heard of one of those.. I MUST Have SOME of those.
    I love how much fun you had with your treat dispenser. SUPER FUN PRIZE PRESSIE.

  3. Congrats on your win, Tucker! Love all your loot :)

  4. Wow,you and Wyatt got some awesome pressies from PetSafe. We loved your 12 Days of Christmas and are happy you won.

    Now about that knee, all you have to do is send that snow to us, you won't have to worry about doing zoomies in it, and we will finally have some snow - deal?

    Take care, pal, and we hope your knee improves.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  5. Howdy Tucker, great pressies from your competition. Yaahoooo. We loved your video playing with the treat ball. They are great fun. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  6. Dude! Awesome pressies! Mr. Bufus had one of those water thingies and he LOVED it! BTW, we see absolutely Nothing Wrong with 5:30am zoomies... But take care of yourself - you want to heal quick so you can get back to full speed zoomies - if you 'come back' too soon you might cause MORE damage!

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  7. I want one of those shirts!! Awesome! Hope that knee heals up. Take care of it and listen to your mom.

  8. Oh I hope your knee is all better soon

    Stop on by for a visit

  9. O gosh Tucker, you better be extra careful with that knee of yours. You don't want to have to have surgery!

    Gosh we really enjoyed watching you play with that treat ball, you place just like me, Jasper I poke things with my nose and bounce away from things and make an lots of strange noises :)

    Congrats on your prizes!

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes

  10. OMD, wot pawsome loot! It looks like more drool be coming out than lickety sticks is going in!

  11. Dat is so cools da you won...and what super fab stuffs you gots! Lemme knows hows dat heated bed works...I want mum to gets me one so I can stays warm all day long.
    Uh, you needs to calm down withs da zoomies my furiend...can't let you be havin' surgicals.


  12. WOW! That a super AWESOME prize-pressie you got, Tucker! And it's very nice of you to share some of it with the kittehs and Cuzin Bambi.

    I'm awful sorry abouts your knee. And I'm also very much sorry that your mom won't lets you go outside by yourself at 5:30 a.m. Sometimes the worries make our humans do the KERAZIEST things.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  13. Hey Tucker,
    Congrats on your win! Maybe you can use that bed as a hot pad for your knee, it's about the right size!
    I've been trying to comment here for days...stupid blogger, finally switched to Google chrome. :D

  14. Mazel tov on your win and your well deserved loot!

    Hope your knee gets better. But if you do have to have the surgery, it's not that bad. A GSD friend of ours had to have both his knees done [not at the same time] and he was a new doggie after he healed, zooming all over the place like he hadn't been able to do for a long time. We're keeping our paws crossed for you.

    Jed & Abby

  15. Sorry to hear that you knee isn't better, sure hope it gets better soon.

    Wow, those are some nice prizes. Congrats!

  16. Hi Tucker!
    Hey, thanks for the birthday wishes! It's good to be 14 so far!
    I hope your knee shows improvement! We're pullin' for you!
    PS: NICE prize package!

  17. he he! Tucker, a lot of my injuries are "self induced" too so I can totally relate to where you're coming from! :-) Sorry to hear about your knee ouchie – hope it gets better soon!

    I love that video of you playing with the treat all – seriously, you sound just like Scooby Doo talking in the cartoons! :-)

    Honey the great Dane
    PS Loved your Mango Minister entry!
