Saturday, April 5, 2014

The Tucker is still here

Hi All - yes the Tucker is still here and is doing well.  My knees are feeling much better and I'm still my same old self, just sleeping a little more as I get older.

My brother Tyson is growing up, he went for his neuter day last week and is catching up to me a 138 lbs. He's still crazy and I'm starting to wonder if he'll ever calm down.

I had my checkup last month and my heart-worm and Lyme test came back negative and I was diagnosed with Arthritis.  My vet put me on an aspirin regimen with my glucosamine and fish oil and I'm feeling great. I'm officially a senior dog now as I'm 5 1/2 years old.

This winter has been endless and very cold.  I've spent a lot of time indoors so I'm looking forward to adventures outside this spring and summer.


  1. Tucker,
    We is glad to see you and Tyson again. :) Max and me are lookin' forward to spendin' more time outside again too, winter wuz way too long at our house too.

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  2. Good to see you, pal. Yeah, that arthritis is so annoying. I have it in my toes. Ugh. Hope that Tyson isn't too much of a thorn in your side. Brindle mastiff boys can be such goofballs.


  3. WE are so glad to SEE and HEAR from YOU and Tyson, Tucker. Thanks fur the update on all you have going in your lives.. Winter was AWFUL fur SURE... BRING ON THE SPRING Warm SUNSHINE.

  4. Hey Tucker! Great to see you, one senior to another :-) But we agree, those youngsters can be a PAIN!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  5. Howdy Tucker, good to see ya mate. Sorry about the arthritis. Hopefully some warm weather will make you feel better. Your little brother is growing up now isn't he. Take care all. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
    Hey mate. We checked out your chart and Stella is a young adult and I'm a mature adult and we're the same age. Unfair I reckon! No worries, and slobber, Rory

  6. hello tucker its dennis the vizsla dog hay we ar glad to heer yoo and tyson ar dooing wel!!! always nice to no owr longtime frends are happy and in gud helth!!! ok bye
