Friday, April 25, 2014

Power of the Paw needed for my baby brudder Tyson

I just spent the evening at the emergency vet wiff my brudder Tyson.  He has something wrongs with his eye and the vet doesn't know what it is.
When the Momma got home to gives belly rubs, during Tyson's belly rub she noticed his eye was red (which I mean our eyes are always reds and droopy) but the pupil was really small, there is some cloudiness.  She called the emergency vet and they said to brings him in.

There is inflammation and the small pupil but no scratch.  The vet said it may be uveitis but couldn't confirm. See Tyson has a weird thread like line in his eye he had since a baby.  Also, he has a brown spot on the white that may be a mass.  Since nothing in his eye ever changed our vet thought it could be a development issue.

Here is a picture of Tyson's eye from when he was a baby with the weird thread thing. It's is right eye and it almost looks like a constellation in this picture.
Tyson got to come home but has two types of drops (one to open his pupil and one for inflammation).  We are suppose to watch him closely this weekend, go to our regular vet on Monday, and then we will need to go to a specialist.
It breaks my Dane heart to see my Momma so sad not knowing what is wrong.  For now we just treat the symptoms (to hopefully prevent any permanent damage) and wait until we can find answers. If any of you out in blog world have experienced an issue like this we'd like to know.  


  1. Well we can't help much, but hey big guy, we gonna get the POTP going for Tyson, sendin over our bestest thoughts directly to him!

    The Mad Scots

  2. Tucker,

    Extra special boxer puppy prayers is on da way to Tyson!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

  3. Power of the paw to you, Tyson! Sam is now blind and we have to watch for the uveitis as well. Our vet said that if that develops he will need to have surgery. Please keep us posted so we know what your vet says!

    Sam and Pippen

  4. We are crossing our paws for you!!!

  5. Wish we could offer some suggestions, but we have not heard of this either. Best to see what the specialist can determine. Lots of crossed paws here for Tyson.

    Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

  6. We're sending you lot's and lot's of prayers and love Tyson! We hope that you take it easy this weekend and that next week you will get some answers.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. I hope the vet checked for glaucoma. This is scary news and I am sure mom is very sad not knowing what is going on. Sending big hugs and good thoughts.


  8. Howdy Tucker, paws crossed here in Oz for your little brother Tyson. Hope your mum gets some answers soon. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

  9. sending you love, white lights and prayers. Please all be well. We love you all.
