I gots a new Brudder and this time it's a real one! Not a stoopid kitteh brudder (sorry Vader) he's a Mastiff dog!
Meets my new brudder Tyson!
He's a heart-breaker and reminds me of you know who that we all miss so much.
8 weeks he's also a chunky-butt at 19lbs.
I is teaching him to be lazy and relax.... his puppy antics are a little alarming to me.
He's not potty trained and it's not my fault. We are working on it.
But he's cute and although he is too baby for me to play wif him, I can play in a couple weeks.
For now, he's disturbing my sleep.
And he's playing wif Rugen.
Note from Momma: Tucker is doing very well with Tyson. It's almost as Tucker knows he's a baby so he won't play with him and he is careful walking around him. Not any signs of jealousy from Tucker yet.