Monday, May 31, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Yucky Ear Ouchie
Momma took me to the vet on Saturday cause I was shaking my head. Well duh, she kept asking me if my ear was alright and I was answering her no. I can't um, reach my ear to scratch it so Momma has too. So, anyway she's been cleaning it all week and it didn't get better - so off to the vet.
Turns out I have an ear infection ouchie - common in big floppy eared dogs that run through a lot of dirt.
Here I am being good waiting for the VET to come in the room to look at me, I'm being good.

Then, I was bad, very bad. I waited for like FOREVER (5 whole minutes) in that tiny room and then when the doctor came in I barked at him when he touched my ear. I barked and barked and barked. Momma was trying to get me to stop but my ear hurt and I didn't want her touching it let alone the doctor - You all know that they can't be trusted, specially when taking temperatures.
Anyway Momma told the vet we could put a muzzle on me. WHAT? Who authorized something so horrendous? The vet came back with this muzzle thing and Momma put it on me. Of course I was really good about it putting it on cause I didn't know what it was, but now I know better. So Mr. Vet looked in my ears and cleaned them a little. Then he point ointment in them.
So Momma has to wash my ears with a special wash once a day and point ointments in 2 times a day for a whole week! It sucks, it really does.
Turns out I have an ear infection ouchie - common in big floppy eared dogs that run through a lot of dirt.
Here I am being good waiting for the VET to come in the room to look at me, I'm being good.

Then, I was bad, very bad. I waited for like FOREVER (5 whole minutes) in that tiny room and then when the doctor came in I barked at him when he touched my ear. I barked and barked and barked. Momma was trying to get me to stop but my ear hurt and I didn't want her touching it let alone the doctor - You all know that they can't be trusted, specially when taking temperatures.
Anyway Momma told the vet we could put a muzzle on me. WHAT? Who authorized something so horrendous? The vet came back with this muzzle thing and Momma put it on me. Of course I was really good about it putting it on cause I didn't know what it was, but now I know better. So Mr. Vet looked in my ears and cleaned them a little. Then he point ointment in them.
So Momma has to wash my ears with a special wash once a day and point ointments in 2 times a day for a whole week! It sucks, it really does.

Friday, May 21, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Monday, May 17, 2010
View From the Top - 2010 Hike 1
My bags are packed with the essentials - Treats, my bowl, poopy pick-up bags, and sunscreen for my nose (which Momma will forget to put on anyway). Don't worry Dad will carry my water, that's too heavy for me.

Off we go!
Pause to take in the pretty view. I'll model in front of it.
Momma got losta picture of my butt since she wasn't as fast as me hiking up the mountain.
See the markers that tell us where to go, they help me not get lost.
See the pretty view? (It's the stuff behind me for those of you still staring at me, BOL!)
Ok, so I had to go.... then Momma makes me carry my own POOP down the mountain! Don't worry it's double bagged. But eww - Momma was laughin' at me.
I will sleep for the next 4 days.......
Pee S.S. Momma and Dad bought my bubble machine in the toy section at the Christmas tree shop for $4. It takes batteries and makes the big bubbles when Momma pushes the button.

See the markers that tell us where to go, they help me not get lost.

Pee.S. Puppy Bakery is now open! Thank goodness - I got a boston creme terrier, and I'll post a picture for all you puppers to drool over. YUM.

Friday, May 14, 2010
I'm back, but I really didn't go anywhere....
Sorry I've been M.I.A lately. Momma had the food poison sickies and used it as an excuse to not be helpin' me with my bloggy. We will forgive her, after all she's only hooman.
Monday, May 3, 2010
My Momma is Crazy
Sunday, May 2, 2010
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