1. Get more exercise - I do love yoga!

I had to look for the perfect one....
After we selected the tree we put it in the truck to bring home. I supervised. Then the hoomans brought the tree in the house? They are weird, trees belong outside. For some reason they don't want me to play in the tree. Oh well I chewed on some of the sticks that fell off, they don't taste very fresh.
Then the hoomans put flashing things any shiny doggie toys on the tree. I choose to sit this one out.
When they were done they made me sit by the tree. I feel stupid sitting by the tree, but it pleases the hoomans, and they give me treats for doing it.
Christmas is weird, but I did get an early Christmas gift. Momma and Dad bought me a Kuranda bed. My bad self has been chewing up my blankets in my crate and this bed is suppose to be indestructible.
Hmmm... is that a challenge?