Monday, January 30, 2012

Beachy Walks and Honoring Ellie

I wents to the beach this weekend, twice!  It's one of the few places I can be off leash this time of year, giving me a chance to run.  My knee is doing so far so good, so Mr. Vet is happy and wants me to keep working out and hopes I've healed enough.
 There was a little ice, so I be careful.
 I did run in the water, but then I realized it was freakin cold!
 So I stayed further away from the water from then on.
 Hoomans keep up, geesh they are slow.
And this week we received our painting in honor of kitteh sister Ellie from Kitty & Coco's Momma.  We are absolutely thrilled with how it came out and we are just amazed at the quality and how every detail was captured.
We miss you Ellie, and we thank you Lauren for your lovely work.  Please check out Lauren's etsy shop.


  1. So cool. Keep working are on the road to recovery
    Benny & Lily

  2. The beach?? What a lucky dog you are to live near the water. I am glad your knee is feeling better. And what a nice way to honor Ellie ...

    Your pal, Pip

  3. dearest tucker i am absolutely most available to go to the dance wiff you . what shall i have to do?

    sweet kisses

  4. I so don't blame you fur stayin' away from da water...if you is likes me then you might melt. you has a DATE??????? Wooooohooooo, you go Tucker! And withs da beautiful Bella I might add.

    Oh, and I loves your painting of Sister Ellie. I knows your mom is very proud of it.

  5. Tucker????????? You are going to bring Bella to the Valentine Pawty... DARN BUDDY everybuddy will be soooooo jealous. Keep her close!!!

    Grrrreat Beach work out. Gotta have that owie all better so you can DANCE with BELLA.

  6. Nice day at the beach! I is sure you went in that cold water just to ice up your knee, rite?

  7. What a lovely painting.

    How lucky you have a beach to run on!

  8. Hey Tucker!
    Wow, you look great in your beach outfit! Glad your knee is better and I bet sand zoomies are a lot of fun. Great painting.
    Grr and Woof,
    Sarge, COP

  9. What a super wonderful walk and you look Most Handsome!

    Oh, and I just LUVS that painting of Ellie. That is a very much special way to honor her.

    Wiggles & Wags,

  10. Tucker we are so glads you like the painting of Ellie. Mom wanted it to be perfect for you. She was one beautiful feline. Thanks for giving us a shout out.

    Um...yeah...BRRRRR that water looks so cold! I have the shivers just looking at it.


  11. What a nice beach you have to walk along! We hope your leg continues to do well for you.

    Very nice to have that beautiful painting in honor of sweet Ellie.

    Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

  12. Hi Tucker!

    Im a 4 month old Dane named Capone and I found your blog through Honey's page and wanted to say hi! You're beach outfit is awesome! I love the beach too! (Im in California) Have a great week and keep enjoying the weather!


  13. Running at the beach is a great work out!!

    We are glad to hear your knee is doing better as well :)

    Its so strange to think you need to wear a coat on the beach because it's so cold! We alwasy think of beachs a warm places where you go to cool down in the water!

    Licks and lots of slobber,
    Lexi and Jasper the Danes
