I is so sorry that I don't bloggy anymore, it's just this thing happened. Momma calls it life.
First things first, the good news:
I is healthy at 7 1/2.
Tyson is healthy. (Although he has rabid dog drools all the time).
Momma and Dad are healthy.
Rugen and Vader are healthy.
Now the bad news. This September I lost my Grampy (Momma's Dad). He was my favorite person. The terrible cancers took him aways and I miss him dearly. He helped raised me and always took care of my momma too. There is lots of sadness still and we all miss him terribly.
But we knows that life is to be cherished for the time we has, so we are trying out bestest to stay strong and enjoy things.

We did have some fun times this past year. Momma and Dad even tooks us to Vermont to Dog Mountain. We went to celebrate my birfday back in October and it was so much fun.
They have this chapel where you pay tribute to all pets that left before us.
But they have trails to run on, a whole Mountain devoted to dogs!
It was the best day of the year for us.
I dressed up as a King for Halloween this year.
I only gots a few toys for Christmas, which Momma made me shares with brudder.
And although winter hasn't been terribly cold here in Maine, we still await Spring so that we can bask in the sun on the deck.
Hopefully this Spring and Summer brings lots of funs and adventures for me and Tyson.
We'll keep smiling!