So I am officially a hero. Let me tells you about it.
It was super early and in the morning and Dad had already left for work. It wasn't even light outside yet. he drinks his coffee, starts the truck, feeds us all, and lets the chickens out of their coop into the garden run every morning.
Me? I do this....... Momma does the same.
Well the other morning I woke up and starting barking out the window like crazy! Outside there was a Coyote less than a Dane length from MY chickens!
This is Exactly what he looked like.
Momma grabbed her boots and ran out the door chasing the Coyote like a Crazy lady and then she started counting the chickens. Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Cher, Madonna, and Queen Latifa were all huddled in the corner of the fenced garden. Gwen was in the garden and Britney, Lil' Kim, and Reba were still in the coop. Are you counting? That means we are missing two of the babies. Momma got everyone back in the coop and then heard a noise. Katy was 50 feet up in a tree - the little bantam babies can fly over the 5 ft fence! She came down and Momma got her back to safety. We called Grammy and Grampy to tell them that we couldn't find MJ. This is MJ.
Finally we heard Cockle doodle doo in the woods! Everyone was so happy. After he felt safe in about 10 minutes he came back down out of the trees and he was put back in the coop.
I stayed inside and barked the whole time to keep that coyote away. Nobody messes wif my chickens. I is a hero.